Enter the Murderdome - Our Ludum Dare 31 Submission

December 08, 2014

Ludum Dare is a game jam in which participants are required to develop a game in 48 hours, using a given theme. My friend Matt and decided to participate in Ludum Dare 31 this past weekend. The theme this time around was Entire Game on One Screen.

After about an hour of brainstorming on Friday night, we came up with the idea for our game Enter the Murderdome. From Friday night to Sunday afternoon we worked on the game, Matt doing the art and sound and me doing the programming. In the end, I think the result was a super fun game with a lot of polish which you can play using the link below.

Play Enter the Murderdome

Title screen


If you have any comments or suggestions feel free to vote/comment on the page linked above, or post a comment here. The ugly source code is also available on GitHub if you’re interesting in seeing how the game works under the hood.

Thanks for checking out our game, and I hope you enjoy it.